Dr David Rowbotham

Endoscopy, Gastroenterology


Dr David Rowbotham

Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist and Endoscopist


MB BS 1987 Newcastle, MRCP (UK) 1991, MD with commendation Leeds 1998, FRCP 2007, FRACP

About Dr David:

A graduate of the University of Newcastle upon Tyne Medical School, David trained in both Gastroenterology and Hepatology in the UK at international centres of excellence in London (Kings College Hospital) and Leeds. He came to New Zealand in 1999 as Specialist Gastroenterologist at Auckland Hospital and worked here for 5 years until 2004. During this time he set up the first NZ service for both push enteroscopy and wireless capsule endoscopy at Auckland Hospital, both of which have now taken hold in the country as a whole.

He and his medical wife travelled to the UK in 2004, where he worked as Consultant Gastroenterologist at a busy general hospital in south east London. They have recently returned and David has taken up his previous position at Auckland City Hospital. He is ready to transfer his clinical and endoscopic expertise, excellent communication skills, unique patient rapport, and sense of humour to the good folk of Auckland.

Special interests:
  • Extensive experience in all aspects of diagnostic
  • Therapeutic endoscopy (gastroscopy, colonoscopy, push enteroscopy, ERCP)
  • Wireless capsule endoscopy.
  • British Society of Gastroenterology
  • American Gastroenterological Association
  • New Zealand Society of Gastroenterology

Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis), dyspepsia (indigestion) and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), liver disease (especially fatty liver and alcohol), rectal bleeding and altered bowel habit, coeliac disease.

Post-fellowship Training:
  • Institute of Liver Studies, Kings College Hospital, London, UK (1994 – 1995).
  • The Liver Unit St James’s University Hospital, Leeds, UK (1995-1996).
  • Centre for Digestive Disease, The General Infirmary, Leeds, UK (1996 – 1998).