Patient Safety

Your safety

Effective patient safety measures include certification against safe practice standards, the establishment of a governance (monitoring) and credentialing system and open incident reporting and review are all hallmarks of patient focused care.


Evolution Healthcare is proud to be accredited against both national health standards and international best practice business standards.  This ensures an organisational wide focus on quality and excellence.

Evolution undertakes certification against the following standards:

Australian National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards. The standards protect the public from harm and to improve the quality of health service provision.  They provide a quality assurance mechanism that tests whether relevant systems are in pace to ensure that expected standards of safety and quality are met.

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Clinical Governance

At Evolution Healthcare we strive for an environment which fosters excellence in clinical care. Accordingly, our Clinical Governance framework ensures our hospitals are accountable for the quality of our service and the standards of care provided. Processes and best practice are promoted and reviewed through the Medical Advisory Committees (MAC) at each of our hospitals. These committees support us and our practitioners holding clinical performance standards.

Each MAC acts as a consultative and advisory body to the hospital’s General Manager, supporting the General Manager in overseeing medical and clinical standards within the hospital by ensuring an environment of best practice and a positive workplace culture that reflects the mission and values of Evolution Healthcare.

The MACs are the formal organisational structure through which the collective views of the credentialed medical practitioners of the hospital shall be formulated and communicated.

Clinical Governance also includes regular reviews of clinical and health data.  Mortality and morbidity reviews are held quarterly.

Each hospital operates a clinical governance committee with meetings which cover Health and Safety; Infection Prevention and Control; and Quality and Risk. Each clinical governance committee has a documented Terms of Reference.

New Zealand based Hospitals hold a PQAA (Protected Quality Assurance Activity) status issued by the Health Minister under the Health Practitioners Competency Assurance Act 2003.